Blazblue central fiction arcade
Blazblue central fiction arcade

blazblue central fiction arcade

  • The Match is over when either player wins the required number of games (Two out of three games this also applies to the losers brackets) Finals in brackets (expect Losers) and Final Rounds will be 3 out of 5)(In Tournament look for rules pertaining to required Games to win).
  • Support The Online Arcade by becoming a Patron here (It's not mandatory by any means): PRIZE POT ( Money earned from being in the Top Three will be distributed as PSN Cards)

    blazblue central fiction arcade

    Match times will be given out on a closer date to tournament time. Out of the Losers bracket, the winner of that bracket will have the chance to play the Winner of the Winners Bracket in Finals, possibly resetting the bracket for Grand Finals. This Tournament will be a Double Elimination tournament meaning there will be a Winners and Losers Bracket. It is important to pay attention to the Brackets on Challonge and to the live stream( the link provided above). Invites will be sent to each individual by the order of match ups listed in the brackets. Be aware that you will continue to fight through-out the night (its possible matches will be done off stream)On Friday pm all participants should be ready for their respected matches. Once your Matches are complete you will have to leave the lobby. Only 6 participants will be allowed in the lobby at a time. THE TOURNAMENT WILL START ON July 2th 6:45 PM EASTERN TIME This tournament is a Lite version and will be apart of the Anime Fighting Game Weekend (AFGW).

    blazblue central fiction arcade

    Welcome everyone to the first BlazBlue: Central Fiction Online tournament called OVERDRIVE.

    Blazblue central fiction arcade